Businesses need to be “nature positive” as well as working towards net zero and that applies to schools as well. After all, we are the ultimate customers.
Month: April 2023
Anyone want to play “spot the difference”?
Over the Easter weekend I found myself reluctantly having a spiky conversation with some very long-standing friends whose daughter recently left Tormead. They pedalled out the “Oh, but what about the benefits of the Urnfield development to other schools and the local community” line that has been used by Tormead and County School throughout, with… Continue reading Anyone want to play “spot the difference”?
How many holes are there in the ecological plan?
Last week a detailed and excoriating assessment of Tormead’s ecological management plan for the Urnfield development appeared on the borough council’s website.
Are Nationally Protected Landscapes Protected?
This news comes to our blog from @merrowdarkskies and you can follow this feed, see the twitter link on the top right hand corner of our save merrow downs website. #Urbanisation is a condition we should not be subject to and the #Greenbelt is fast browning? Just how many developments acknowledged by Inspectors as contrary… Continue reading Are Nationally Protected Landscapes Protected?