Why attention to detail helps protect our wildlife

Another summer, another LEMP. Version 5 (nearly lost count) of Tormead’s Landscape and Ecological Management Plan for the Urnfield development has appeared onscreen. The school is applying once more to get approval for what was, you may remember, a critical “pre commencement” condition. This was the condition the school pushed through a “deemed discharge” process… Continue reading Why attention to detail helps protect our wildlife

Disturbing badgers and a planning breach: Tormead’s summer of fun

A little posse gathered in the sunshine at the Urnfield one Monday morning towards the end of July: the Tormead Headteacher; Surrey Police; the West Surrey Badger Group (WSBG); and a few concerned residents. The diggers and earth movers were busy across the site. The Tormead Head was reminded by WSBG that the badger protection… Continue reading Disturbing badgers and a planning breach: Tormead’s summer of fun

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