Work started in the last week of March at the Urnfield site, beginning with tree felling and clearance of scrub. This was despite the plans submitted by Tormead stating that trees would not be cut down during nesting season, ie. March onwards. And according to the Arboricultural report signed off as part of one of… Continue reading Can the Urnfield construction legally start?
Author: Kathy Atkinson
What does Urnfield show about values of Tormead School?
It’s hard to make a case for the Urnfield project being within the doughnut.
New season, new thinking?
The crocuses are punctuating the leaf litter in the woodland at the top of Merrow Downs, with bluebell shoots not far behind. Tormead has officially taken residence at the Urnfield sports ground but there is little sign as yet of any construction materials apart from 8 large, grey coloured telescopic poles lying on the grass:… Continue reading New season, new thinking?
Dear Sir, it’s not my fault. The dog ate my homework.
With no construction yet, Tormead blames GBC for delays in the Urnfield development, ignoring its own failings.
What if…how better community engagement delivers better development
Last week Tormead’s Head sent the first email update of the new school year to parents, lamenting the “increasingly frustrating process” of the Urnfield development. We agree with that assessment, except that for us it has been frustrating from the very start. So, how could this project have been run, and what difference might that… Continue reading What if…how better community engagement delivers better development
Who’s looking out for Merrow’s badgers?
When you think of iconic British mammal species, you may well think of the badger. Distinctive, social animals with awesome digging capability, only the wild boar trumps them as Britain’s current largest land predator. Persecuted by some, beloved by many, badgers hold huge cultural significance in the UK. Their setts can be huge and extend… Continue reading Who’s looking out for Merrow’s badgers?
Guildford’s planners agree to quash own decisions on Urnfield
Last night we received written confirmation that Guildford Borough Council agrees with our assessment that the “deemed discharge” certificates issued to Tormead to enable the Urnfield development work to begin are unlawful and must be quashed. This means our legal challenge to the High Court is uncontested, and so the quashing of three of the… Continue reading Guildford’s planners agree to quash own decisions on Urnfield
Legal challenge of Urnfield decisions will hold planners and developers to account
The council’s lack of transparency in its decision making on the Urnfield has resulted in what we believe are unlawful decisions that now need to be undone.
Seeing up close what we stand to lose
Watching nature regularly on Merrow Downs shows what is at risk from the Urnfield floodlights
Tormead is building their floodlit MUGA onsite after all
At the planning appeal hearing one of the arguments we made to demonstrate a lack of need for the Urnfield development was the fact that Tormead already had planning permission for a floodlit Multi Use Games Area on site at the school. Sure, a MUGA is smaller than a full sized hockey pitch, so not… Continue reading Tormead is building their floodlit MUGA onsite after all